36-41 Market Place, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 1JQ

Rare Retail and Residential Investment in an affluent Greater London Town Centre
36/41 Market Place
1/1a Eden Street
3/5 Apple Market
- The property forms part of an island site, located on the pedestrianised Market Place, Eden Street and Apple Market
- An attractive Victorian retail parade with 7 shops and 17 flats above, let on ASTs
- 56% retail income (£292,581 per annum after shortfalls)
- 44% residential income (£232,164 per annum)
- Combined income of £524,745 per annum
- Excellent asset management opportunities
- Freehold
We will be seeking offers in excess of £6,650,000 subject to contract and excusive of VAT. A purchase at this level reflects an attractive net initial yield of 9.29% on the retail income and £390 per sq ft CV on the residential uppers.
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